Buckland Village, Surrey Buckland Windmill Buckland Windmill Vanes

Parish News

Energy Surveys Project 

17 August 2024

Secure your opportunity to receive a free thermal imaging survey to identify what actions you could take to reduce your fuel bills!
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Public Bridleway – Temporary Closure BW 474

10 August 2024

SCC has granted temporary order of Public Bridleway 474 to facilitate the installation of a new water. Check the details of the diversion before you head out!
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Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Variation Update

5 August 2024

In 2023 Natural England (NE) held a statutory and public consultation for a proposed extension to the Surrey Hills National Landscape. NE has have since reviewed the consultation responses. During…
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Five quick wins for your recycling bin

26 July 2024

Did you know, a staggering 298 tonnes of recyclable material had to be rejected for recycling last year? The recyclable material had been contaminated by unrecyclable items that prevented it…
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Redhill to Horley Travel Improvements

21 July 2024

Surrey County Council (SCC) wants to support people to use more sustainable travel options to help us reach our target of being net zero by 2050. SCC is investing in…
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A25 Reigate Road : Road Safety Improvements

15 July 2024

Surrey County Council (SCC) : Highways ConsultationThe SCC Road Safety team, working within Surrey Highways, is working on delivery of a programme of “safety improvements” along the stretch of the…
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Help to improve the state of the highways and rights of way……..

10 July 2024

If you encounter any difficulty using any section of Buckland’s roadside footways that relate to the condition of the surface (e.g. trip hazards, deteriorating or uneven surface) or overhanging vegetation please submit a report to Surrey Highways.  
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Have noisy or speeding vehicles been a problem where you live?

6 July 2024

Are noisy or speeding vehicles are a problem where you live? If yes, instead of chatting about noise or speed with friends and neighbours, please complete a short survey to help focus your local police team's efforts!
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Living next to a watercourse – your rights and responsibilities

1 July 2024

Do you have a watercourse, such as a ditch, stream or river running through, or alongside, your property? If so, you are probably responsible for its maintenance and in legal terms you are a 'riparian owner'.
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Sign up with My Mole Valley for alerts

20 June 2024

Sign up for alerts to ensure you never put the wrong bin out and/or you are alerted to planning applications submitted near your home
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Do you sometimes wonder whether you need to call MVDC or SCC?

11 June 2024

MVDC recently published a poster to help residents know who to call with their query - take a look to see if you learn something new!
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Oak Processionary Moth

9 June 2024

Oak processionary moth has been found in Surrey - all sightings should be reported to the Forestry Commission - read more....
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